I have some very simple rules for everyone to follow. They are written below.Rule Number ONE... If you contact me for a trade or to buy a tape, that means that you send first. No exceptions. If we have done deals before, then it's cool if we do it on the same day, but only if I know I can trust you.
Rule Number Two...Dont even try lying about the tape quality on trades. I don't mind if it's kind of bad sometimes, just be truthful.
Rule Number Three... You must stay in contact with me while we do the trade so I can now what is going on and so you can too
Rule 4... If you accidentally send me a wrong tape.. too bad. I can waste my money on shipping just to send it back to you, just be careful.
Rule 5... DON'T put lables on the tapes. I won't put labels on yours unless you ask, so don't put them on mine.
RULE 6... QUALITY TAPES ONLY. Use Quality tapes, not cheap generic brand ones, and make sure the ones you use are BRAND new. I will do the same.